Saturday, December 6, 2008



As I was driving home from the grocery store today with a million things going through my head that I needed to get done, I received a text from my sister-in-law. Her text was inquiring about our current address as she was getting ready to send out her always lovely Christmas cards. I thought....great, one more thing that I need to do that anyone who knows me will tell you I might do, but then forget to mail. Then I had it.....why not create a webpage TOTALLY devoted to news about our family, so that anyone who cares can check us out!!! Then there is no need for postage, no need for me to have to remember to take things to the mail box...instant Rowley news at the click of a mouse! So I surfed the web, and here I am!

I think its a great idea because as you all know, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to chat, however other's don't always love to listen.....hmmhmmm not naming any names Jennifer! :-) I have tried to get into the whole texting thing, but my mind and brain work so much faster than my finger's and I end up getting frustrated and give up! There are a few of you who are very special to me however that I make an acception for as I know its the only way I will be able to communicate with you on a regular basis, and for those of you whom that is....feel privelaged and with every text message you receive from me, know that I sent it with great frustration because I was limited to a 160 characters, when in all reality I need MANY more than that to get my full story out! moving on to who this blog is all about.....the Rowley's!

Our life is ever changing every day...and with every passing day we get blessed with something greater! We have two of the most gorgeouse daughter's that parents' could ever ask for, and their personalities keep us jumping. Sophie is our newest addition and she is just shy of a year! Its crazy to think that a year has almost passed by since she joined our family. I often find myself thinking how fast time is going and want to freeze it for just a moment because I know that soon they will be off to school, and many of the other milestones that come with!

I recently started a new job with Community Living Opportunities here in Lawrence, that allows me to spend much more time with the girls which is what I was wanting! We are blessed to not have to use daycare very often, and when we do have to we have a WONDERFUL provider who I wish I would have found sooner! Jesse is just finishing up his first semester at The University of Kansas....cramming for finals as I type this! Yes folks, you heard me right....Jesse Rowley went to college, and a big one at that! I am so proud of him, and he has put everything he's got and more into it and is doing GREAT! He will have about a couple more semesters at the main campus here in Lawrence, and then will be off to finish up at KU Med with his degree in Health Information Management...which I am VERY excited about! I am currently on the home stretch of my master's degree! My thieses has to be in by September 27th, 2009 and then I will have succesfully finished my Master's in Health Care Administration! Then I can't imagine all the great things that our lives will have in store for us! Shea say's every day when we take Jesse to campus "you know why daddy goes to school?"....."so he can get smarter so we can go to Disney Land!".....depending on the day she will also throw in "and so we can get a really big house like Tara's (thats our FAB daycare provider)".

Well as you can see from this blog....once I start its hard to stop....probably the reason I get sent to voicemail so much :-).....anyhow I think I'll end my first blog with where our week is headed. Monday is my 25th birthday! GOSH that is SCARY! I remember turning 16, 18, then 21....I actually had to stop and do the math today to figure out how old I was going to be for a second when I was thinking about it! Don't have much planned as I have class on Monday nights, so that should be exciting....the girls will hang out with my mom while dad studies hard for this week's tests! Tuesday we will head to Children's Mercy for Sophie, she will be seeing a Pediatric Optomologist. Several months ago I noticed that her eyes were different sizes....everyone who is around me reguarly knows that I have been urked by this! At first I thought it was in my head...but then at Soph's 10 month checkup I brought it up to the doc. The doctor's decided to send her on to get it checked out! We had an appointment last week with someone here in town, but just weren't comforted with what they had to tell us, so we will get a 2nd opinion just to make us feel better! If you could all keep her in your thoughts that would be great! I'm sure its nothing, and we just want to make sure! Then on Thursday comes the best part of this blog......we are headed to COLORADO! We are headed out to spend some well overdue time with some very important people....Aunt Jenny, Uncle Sean, and Cousin Riley (Shea had to help type that). I am sure we will have a great time, and I will leave wishing that we either were moving there or them moving here. She keeps much distance between us as she knows I would never let them have much peace if she were in close proximity of me!!!!

Goodnight, and I look forward to keeping in touch with all of you!